Tuesday, February 25, 2014

37. this cock-eyed caravan we call humanity

Yesterday night I began really missing my mom. I was listening to the song How Soon Is Now? by Love Spit Love, which is the Charmed theme song. Used to watch that show with my mom. And I just began to feel very, very sad. Talking to Papa helped.

So last night I was too overwhelmed to write my top 3 highlights, but here they are:

1. Skyping MJ
2. Going to a Master's Tea & learning about preventative healthcare
3. Re-doing a poster for graphic design class

One interesting point discussed during the tea is the feeling of REWARD. That in order to feel a sense of true satisfaction and accomplishment one must really WORK hard for it. And everyone has different levels of 'challenging' so it's not necessarily what one person accomplishes compared to someone else, but how hard a person tries. If ya put your all into something, then that is something to be proud of in and of itself… and if you're not trying at all…then are you really living?

Today's been a bit less exciting...I didn't get enough sleep last night, so it's been a bit of a battle. I baked another Chocolate Covered Katie recipe. This time I tried to make the deep dish cookie cake, but I totally screwed up--forgot to add the applesauce & added the chocolate chips to the food processor so it got all blended in and kinda icky. I baked it anyway, and then was so tempted to finish the entire 'ruined' pan…

That pic above basically illustrates how I felt about not eating the entire cookie-cake, but I am so glad I was able to stop. It's crazy how much 'power' can be given away or…not! Yesterday at the tea one woman explained how you can 'give power' to food, for ex., you can imagine the ice cream in the freezer calling to you…but it's NOT, really. It's all about YOU and how you deal with & think about the situation. Is the ice cream really pulling you to it? No. Do you have to feel powerless? No. 

1. Health & Fitness: Not eating the entire cookie & Cooking really healthy for lunch despite a rather empty fridge sitch & exercising despite being tired =)
2. Skyping DEB =D Yay. And beginning to party plan for next year!
3. Actually doing a reading for my painting materials class (while listening to Songza playlists)

Tomorrow I'm going to try going to one of the galleries before class to sketch a bit, because I've been putting off submitting my preliminary sketches for my painting project because I'm still not sure about the painting I've chosen to be inspired by.


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