Monday, November 4, 2013

one. hello people of the internet

First, a short history of my time spent blogging on the internet.

I've started multiple blogs and inevitably they have all stopped. This may be in part due to the fact that I often start multiple blogs at the same time… it's like an explosion of thoughts & ideas all at once, but the momentum is impossible to keep up. I tire myself out and quit. Bam. Pretty simple, actually.

My first blog was a Xanga with constantly changing emo layouts based on band lyrics I didn't understand. That was short lived. Then I had a proper website that was primarily a cute ('kawaii') pixel-art site. I loved pixel art because it is cute and relatively quick to make. I experimented with pixel "scribble" art and other cutesy things. Found vector/ vexel art, and then sort of lost interest altogether. This was way back in middle school. In high school, after moving half way across the world and becoming a vegan,  I ran a food blog for a time. That year I was following a lot of food blogs on Google Reader. I got really into the food-blog world. My blog even had a real domain and everything, and I used a DSLR to take high-quality pics of the food I made and ate. I was that annoying kid at restaurants snapping pics while everyone else uncomfortably watched. I was quite consistent with that blog. Probably more consistent than any internet project I'd had before or since. But I was beginning to spend way too much time thinking about food and it got too time-consuming in a not-fun way. Bye-bye blog.


Here I am, starting another blog. This time I don't plan to focus it on any one theme, nor do I plan to force myself to be consistent with it on a daily or even weekly basis. My hope is to blog about my life (and lifestyle), meaning I will share the music I am listening to, some pictures of my daily life, and some art that I'm in the process of making (and even some finished pieces if I am going to be ambitious about it).

My plan is to not have a real plan. This will be a pressure-free zone. A sort of dead-man's land for my imagination to plant little baby seeds and possibly watch one or two of them grow.


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